Post Thanksgiving Produce Update

By Shawn McClure | Produce Specialist


Blueberries are beginning to firm up. Quality and berry size are very good.

Strawberries markets are dropping as supplies increase from Mexico and Florida.

Blackberries remain steady

Raspberries are a great opportunity this week for beautiful Driscoll fruit.


Idaho pricing is sliding slightly now that shippers are catching up with orders after Thanksgiving

Freight continues to absorb some of these savings.

Red quality is very good and pricing should remain steady.

Yellow pricing remains steady except for Chefs which are slightly up

White potatoes are steady with outstanding quality coming from Delaware and Canada.

Some growers are trying to push the Chef market up, but Delaware still has good availability.

Carrots-Carrot prices are firming up as we move to cold storage supplies in Canada. Jumbo yield has been less out of storage, so we expect pricing to jump slightly in the upcoming weeks. Freight continues to go up affecting the overall price.


Granny Smith apples are steady from Washington and the East.

Fuji market is steady.

Gold are steady with good Eastern supplies.

Gala markets are slightly stronger as larger sizes in the East become tighter.

Red are steady with a very small increase from some growers on larger counts.

FREIGHT from the Northwest has eased.


Pears-Bartlett, D’Anjou & Bosc are steady. Quality is very nice from Washington on US#1 grade.

Banana- Market is on the uptick

Cabbage- Steady

Corn- will be high for 2 to 3 weeks and should settle out once Homesteads crop start in a few week. Again limited white corn until spring.

Cucumber- Steady

Eggplant- Down considerably

Greens-Trending higher

Green Peppers- Down, while Red, Yellow and Orange are moving up

Chili Pepper and Tomatillos are down considerably


Curly vs Italian Parsley


Onion Update